Monday, October 6, 2014

Back from Hiatus

I'm back-So, I'm officially the worse blogger ever. However I am a blogger, although I like to call myself a online journal keeper. As a girl I kept all my feeling private or wrote them in my diary, which in our loud and tumultuous household wasn't as private as I would have liked. It wasn't unusual to hear your very private written words quoted at the dinner table by an annoying younger brother and even my uncle who is my same age. The boys in our household where noisy,immature, insensitive and would do anything for a laugh at your expense. 

So, what has been happening since I've been away? It's been an amazing journey of growth and development for me. Where do I start. When I first started the ministry I was a little intimidated when the so called ministers would unexpectedly show up. They would challenge and try to upstage me. I used to be somewhat of a pushover, in I would allow people to run over me thinking it was easier to allow me to get hurt or wounded than to fight for me. However, I have people God has put under my care and I would die before I would allow anyone to spiritually wound any of them.

There is this one so called minister, I say so called because they never use the word of God and they're always interrupting me. Several people have complained about her. Several times I felt strange after our meeting about what she was doing. I couldn't put my finger on it but I know something was wrong. Normally after the meeting I feel joyful, because I feel the flow of the Holy Spirit, but when she's there I feel sick, almost nauseous. Finally I ask the Lord what is it that's bothering me such much about her interruptions. I was reminded of the girl in Acts 16 that followed Paul around, saying listen to this man and he will tell you how to be saved. I never could understand Paul annoyance or how he knew she was under the influence of a demonic entities. I do now. 

I'm not sure if she's aware of what's happening. I can't see how people would deliberately chose Satan or his demons, but they do. It's a spirit of divination. The Lord gave me what to pray before the meeting, I prayed it. Every time see started to interrupt I stopped her, everything went well. I come to realize that I have to be faithful to the things the Lord entrust me with. Though we are a small group of ragtag individuals we are important to God, we may not have a cathedral, but we have is far better, we have the Spirit of the Living God leading and guiding us every step of the way. Life is good, quiet, God is perfecting me in love.
