One of the children from the school and his girlfriend started asking me if it was okay to visit me on the weekend. Although I liked my weekend to be stress free, I said yes. All week James seemed excited about visiting me that weekend. He kept asking me if I changed my mind, can he still come. His excitement was infectious and I found myself trying to come up with ways to make sure they would have something to do. To be honest I can be a rather boring person. I listen to worship music and talk about Jesus all day. That would have to do. And that's exactly what I did.
It didn't seem to matter to the children. I would pray for them, reprove, rebuke and cook for or order them pizza. They never failed to tell me these horror tales. I don't think I listened as intently as I should have. Mainly because I couldn't believe tales of people being tortured, who would peel someone skin off. Then one cloudy, humid day as the children sat in my backyard telling me horror tales. I walked in the house to get them some lemonade. When I returned, their eyes were big as saucers, they actually looked afraid. As I handed them their lemonade they asked me, You won't tell anybody what we have told you, will you?
It was at that very minute, I realized that they were telling me the truth. I also realized what God told me in the dream, he said there were witchcraft, child molestation, child sacrifice and every evil work. I would like to think of myself as brave and self-sacrificing, but I'm not. I wanted those kids and their demonized families far removed from me. I couldn't wait until they left that day. That following day, I spoke to all my Christian friends and asked what I should do about the situation. I was told that the devil sent those kids to me and that I shouldn't have anymore contact with them, but I should pray about it. That sounded like a plan to me.
Ha! Life in Christ is never cut and dry is it? I prayed and Jesus said, "feed my lamb." I tried to explain to him that this was way over my head. He repeated, "feed my lamb." So I decided to do as he requested. He didn't mind that I am the least qualified for the task. The children started visiting every weekend. Things went on that way for several weeks. Than one weekend James told me he has an Alter-ego who hurt people. He say he didn't want him to try and hurt me, and that he said (The Alter) I was trying to take him away from him. The demon was mad at me. I knew it was only a demon. I asked James when did he get this Alter-ego. He told me when he was six. I knew it came in through trauma. I asked what happened to him when he was six. He didn't want to talk about it. So I didn't press it.
I told him I wasn't afraid of his Alter-ego. I asked James to ask Jesus in his heart as his Lord and Savior. He did. That really made the demon mad. I repeated that I wasn't not scared of that demon. The next thing I know James face is distorted, his eyes have really dark circles and he look like pure evil. He has a sharp pointed instrument in his hand, poised to attack me with. He said in the most frightening voice I ever heard. F**k GOD. The first thing I remember feeling is heart-pounding fear. However I didn't run like my flesh told me to. There's a braver me that came forth and said in an authoritarian voice, "Drop it! and with shaky hands, he dropped the instrument. I knew at that moment, greater that is in me then that is in the world. The demon had to do as I said. I thanked the demon for protecting James when he was to small to protect himself, and I said Jesus will protect him from that day forward. I called him a trespasser and demanded that he go. I could hear him leave, it was like he went out the window, but not before telling me it's not that easy.
When I looked back over at James he looked like a angel. He was absolutely glowing, his face was sweet and innocent. I had never saw him like that before. He looked at me and asked, "mama, what just happened?" He was elated, he grabbed me and hugged me tighter than anyone had ever hugged me. I was still to shook-up to even attempt to explain. I had no explanation, except, Jesus is Lord! I still had much work to do with these children. This is only the beginning.
It didn't seem to matter to the children. I would pray for them, reprove, rebuke and cook for or order them pizza. They never failed to tell me these horror tales. I don't think I listened as intently as I should have. Mainly because I couldn't believe tales of people being tortured, who would peel someone skin off. Then one cloudy, humid day as the children sat in my backyard telling me horror tales. I walked in the house to get them some lemonade. When I returned, their eyes were big as saucers, they actually looked afraid. As I handed them their lemonade they asked me, You won't tell anybody what we have told you, will you?
It was at that very minute, I realized that they were telling me the truth. I also realized what God told me in the dream, he said there were witchcraft, child molestation, child sacrifice and every evil work. I would like to think of myself as brave and self-sacrificing, but I'm not. I wanted those kids and their demonized families far removed from me. I couldn't wait until they left that day. That following day, I spoke to all my Christian friends and asked what I should do about the situation. I was told that the devil sent those kids to me and that I shouldn't have anymore contact with them, but I should pray about it. That sounded like a plan to me.
Ha! Life in Christ is never cut and dry is it? I prayed and Jesus said, "feed my lamb." I tried to explain to him that this was way over my head. He repeated, "feed my lamb." So I decided to do as he requested. He didn't mind that I am the least qualified for the task. The children started visiting every weekend. Things went on that way for several weeks. Than one weekend James told me he has an Alter-ego who hurt people. He say he didn't want him to try and hurt me, and that he said (The Alter) I was trying to take him away from him. The demon was mad at me. I knew it was only a demon. I asked James when did he get this Alter-ego. He told me when he was six. I knew it came in through trauma. I asked what happened to him when he was six. He didn't want to talk about it. So I didn't press it.
I told him I wasn't afraid of his Alter-ego. I asked James to ask Jesus in his heart as his Lord and Savior. He did. That really made the demon mad. I repeated that I wasn't not scared of that demon. The next thing I know James face is distorted, his eyes have really dark circles and he look like pure evil. He has a sharp pointed instrument in his hand, poised to attack me with. He said in the most frightening voice I ever heard. F**k GOD. The first thing I remember feeling is heart-pounding fear. However I didn't run like my flesh told me to. There's a braver me that came forth and said in an authoritarian voice, "Drop it! and with shaky hands, he dropped the instrument. I knew at that moment, greater that is in me then that is in the world. The demon had to do as I said. I thanked the demon for protecting James when he was to small to protect himself, and I said Jesus will protect him from that day forward. I called him a trespasser and demanded that he go. I could hear him leave, it was like he went out the window, but not before telling me it's not that easy.
When I looked back over at James he looked like a angel. He was absolutely glowing, his face was sweet and innocent. I had never saw him like that before. He looked at me and asked, "mama, what just happened?" He was elated, he grabbed me and hugged me tighter than anyone had ever hugged me. I was still to shook-up to even attempt to explain. I had no explanation, except, Jesus is Lord! I still had much work to do with these children. This is only the beginning.