Sunday, March 8, 2009


To every thing there is a season and a time to every purpose under the heaven.
Ecclesiastes 3:1
There is also a time to just hide. Times when you're persecuted and lied on and misunderstood. When the tongue of man is more deadly then a mafia arsenal. It's a time of cleansing for me, cleaning me from the opinion of men. I'm in one of those times right now, God told me to just hide in him. I wanted to defend myself and started to retaliate with my own negative opinions..then he asked me one simple question, "How do you hide?" The only thing I could think of was, be still and quiet. Then I looked up the word in the dictionary. Here's the definition of hide.
Hide: 1.To put or remain out of sight 2.To conceal for shelter or protection, to seek protection 3:To keep secret
I'm learning how to stay hidden, of course like everything else in my spiritual journey I stumble. My flesh likes to be seen. I have to go now, back to my secret place.