Tuesday, September 4, 2012

A Wake up call for the Western Church

Last week I started the bible study. I Prayed, fast and cried out for God's Glory to flow unhindered in the Western Church. Over the last twenty years I have watched as the church went from one crazy new doctrine, or as they call it manifestation after another. I have been in services that bored me to tears. I have been in churches that used emotional blackmail to raise money. I sat in church for years asking Jesus why our service lacked any miracles or healing, why did the blind and lame come and not get healed. I watched as cliques formed and the less fortunate were (or new converts) treated as lepers. I was one of those ostracized ones. I left the church many days wondering why the people of God were so mean and arrogant.  I wanted to know all I could about Jesus. Like the disciple Andrew I followed Jesus asking, "Were do you live?" I know that the church is still being persecuted around the world. People are still dying for their faith. It's sad to say but, too many of the churches in America are full of apostasy, hypocrisy and just plain old lukewarm. I have misrepresented and dishonored Jesus to many times myself over the years. It's time to give our hearts to Jesus and be willing to die for our faith. I see the signs that soon it will be a great persecution, to the true followers of Jesus everywhere. We're already being considered haters for speaking out against abortion, homosexuality, witchcraft and many other sins. To tell someone about Jesus's love and blood sacrifice that cleanse us from sin is not hatred it's love. Let the redeemed of the Lord say so. I'm tired of church as usual. Jesus is coming back for a church without blemish spot or wrinkle. It's time to fast and pray, take our children back out of the hands of the enemy, and lead as many as we can to the truth.  I had one woman that came to the bible study Friday that I had met on the street a couple of days before. She was standing on the corner with all her earthly possessions. Her bounty consisted of a black plastic bag half full of clothes, a dirty red decorative pillow, and a scented candle. She actually stopped my sister and I and asked us if we wanted anything of hers. I told her, "no those are your things." She said we could have anything we want. My sister asked her if she wanted prayer. Usually I would be the one that ask, but my mind was focused on me moving to my own apartment(the cares of the world). I prayed for her and gave her the phone number and invited her to the bible study. Jesus did something for her that night. She calls me daily to give me a report on where she slept, how she ate, and finally she didn't have to let anyone do unspeakable things to her for it. She's resting in Jesus. She also calls when she sees another soul in need of a healing touch from Jesus for me to pray for them. We live in a hurting decaying society. Share love today, God is love, tell someone that Jesus loves them, pray with them. Fearless

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