Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Strong Heart

Psa 27:14  Wait on the LORD. Be courageous, and he will strengthen your heart. Wait on the LORD!

I went to a new cardiologist this morning. I prayed that he would be one that I was a good listener and had a sense of humor. I like my doctors to be like anyone else that I have to deal with, good listeners and funny. Yes, I do pray about almost everything. Sometimes I get cocky and forget to pray for things. Those are the decisions I usually regret. My new doctor was in the early stage of middle-age, short, balding, with a bright cute smile. He walked in the exam room and gave me the brightest smile. I liked him instantly. We talked about my diagnosis, medication, and prognosis. Then it was time for my exam. The first thing(and only thing) he checked was my heart beat. His face went from calm to startled, he moved the stethoscope over and listen again with the same shocked expression. I started to get worried, and that crazy little hypochondriac that comes to visit me before or during every doctors visit came out. She asked in a weak voice, "is everything alright?" The doctor looked up at me, and said in a shocked voice, "Your heartbeat is so strong, it shocked me. I just wasn't expecting that."

He went on to say, he believe that my heart may have corrected itself and he wants me to have an ultrasound. He's very optimistic and believe that my heart has made a complete recovery. I could have told him that I knew it would. Abba told me that it would two years ago. Abba is faithful with his promises. I know the scripture that I posted David may have not meant literally "strengthen your heart", but for me it did. I'm ecstatic! Not because I didn't believe Abba when he told me it was only for a season, I'm glad to move on to a new season. I have learned a lot in this season, that I will take with me to the next season. I learned that people that are older or disabled are ostracized, and stripped of their dignity on every level imaginable. I learned that they feel hopeless and lonely, bitter and angry, mostly because they're made to feel as if they no longer matter, and for some that they never mattered.

So, I talked to the pastor of the church next door and he said it was okay for me to start a bible study in the building. I have talked to many of the residents and they're excited that I'm going to start the bible study next week. I had one bible study last week, but it was unofficial one on one, because she didn't want to wait. I have people willing to help and everything is looking bright and shiny for the new year. For the new year I have a new bible study group and a heart that's no longer broken.


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