Monday, February 14, 2011

Adopting a senior for Valentine Day

I had a great time this evening. My sister Jill had an adopt a senior for Valentine Day Celebration through the singles ministry she oversees. We had a great time with the seniors. We all adopted one or more seniors and took them out to dinner and gave them flowers and little bags of whatnot's. We started by giving them little shiny heart-shaped stickers and told them they were the perfect Valentine. The stickers made them so happy, I wasn't sure if we should give them to them and voiced my concerns( I thought they may have been too juvenile). My Valentine was a feisty woman named Louise. I love fiery older women. She is one of the bad broads that came to Jesus messy and found grace and the courage to be themselves devoid of pretensions. With her what you see is what you get. I loved her instantly. She walked up to me complaining that her friend Alberta was trying to boss her around and Jesus is her boss and she doesn't need another one. I lead her to our tables. We had three long tables pulled together with red chairs with heart-shaped backs. We put red and white heart confetti centerpieces on the tables.
Carlean and Louise 2/14/2011

We had the perfect date for Valentine Day. We catered to our elderly and that seemed to breath more life into them. The evening brings us all joy and comfort. I realize again that all we really have to offer each other is our tattered and worn hearts, with a smile.. a touch.. a moment of gladness and that's enough. James said pure religion undefiled is to visit the fatherless and widow in their affliction. In our visiting we found an unexpected grace, Jesus met us there. I like that Jesus is into the small things, a glass of water, a shared meal, crazy heart-shaped stickers,and me.

As we left the restaurant Louise called after me with one simple request; CALL ME.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...
