Monday, February 14, 2011

Adopting a senior for Valentine Day

I had a great time this evening. My sister Jill had an adopt a senior for Valentine Day Celebration through the singles ministry she oversees. We had a great time with the seniors. We all adopted one or more seniors and took them out to dinner and gave them flowers and little bags of whatnot's. We started by giving them little shiny heart-shaped stickers and told them they were the perfect Valentine. The stickers made them so happy, I wasn't sure if we should give them to them and voiced my concerns( I thought they may have been too juvenile). My Valentine was a feisty woman named Louise. I love fiery older women. She is one of the bad broads that came to Jesus messy and found grace and the courage to be themselves devoid of pretensions. With her what you see is what you get. I loved her instantly. She walked up to me complaining that her friend Alberta was trying to boss her around and Jesus is her boss and she doesn't need another one. I lead her to our tables. We had three long tables pulled together with red chairs with heart-shaped backs. We put red and white heart confetti centerpieces on the tables.
Carlean and Louise 2/14/2011

We had the perfect date for Valentine Day. We catered to our elderly and that seemed to breath more life into them. The evening brings us all joy and comfort. I realize again that all we really have to offer each other is our tattered and worn hearts, with a smile.. a touch.. a moment of gladness and that's enough. James said pure religion undefiled is to visit the fatherless and widow in their affliction. In our visiting we found an unexpected grace, Jesus met us there. I like that Jesus is into the small things, a glass of water, a shared meal, crazy heart-shaped stickers,and me.

As we left the restaurant Louise called after me with one simple request; CALL ME.


Friday, February 11, 2011

The Psychologist

I was sent to a psychologist recently. Since my heart problems my doctors haven't released me back to work. There's no records from the hospital saying I have mental issues, but the Social Security offices decided I need, in their words a "Mental Examination." At first I was more then a little annoyed, as a matter of fact I was down-right infuriated. I have learned that being sick is a nightmare. I have worked most of my life. I got my first job at fourteen and have worked every since. I have been gainfully employed for over thirty years. So, when I was advised against working right now and the staff at the hospital started this process of disability I thought it would be easy. I did after all actually die..HA! How naive was I? I have had to write books of paperwork. These people have dug their inquiry so deep I feel violated. I want to hold my hands in front of my chest and ask "Is this really necessary." They didn't need all that information to take money out of each of my paychecks or the extra money I paid almost every year from the beginning.I have however been very cooperative. Mainly because I have no other alternative right now.

I go to the referred psychologist office. I passed the place twice looking for it. It was a small building that look as if it may have been a single family home at one time but was now converted into not just the doctor's office but a lawyer as well. I drove into the parking lot and there was one other car in the lot a Volkswagen Beetle, yellow of course. I proceed with caution, because if I was the only patient I thought surely he would at least had a staff member. I rationalized, maybe the Volkswagen belong to the receptionist and the doctor wasn't in the office yet. I walk to the door nearest the parking lot and there's a sign on the door that reads DR ----- office north entry with an arrow pointing, I follow the arrow even though it doesn't look like a door until you get in front of it. Now I feel a creepy sensation as if I'm walking up to the Bates Motel and Norman Bates is standing behind the door waiting to strike. I waited for this appointment for three weeks. I had a vision of a average doctors office, moderate building small but cozy waiting area with two or three other patience in the waiting room that I would start a conversation with just so I could let them know I'm not crazy that Social Security requested I visit.

I walk in and the first thing I notice was not only the lack of other patients but the total lack of furniture in the small waiting room. There's someone standing behind a closed in receptionist office. There is no chair or receptionist. The psychologist stuck his head around the corner and asked "Are you Carlean?" I said "yes." he directed me to come in and go to the back to the last room to the left. There are two rooms both to the left. To the right there's a wall. As I walked the narrow hallway I notice the first room door is closed. By this time my mind is in a total frenzy. "what can I use as a weapon of self-defense? where's his receptionist? did he kill her? I wonder if he need an assistant? should I ask him if he's hiring? is this set-up part of my mental exam?"

I finally reach the last room to the left, I stop at the door and peek inside not sure what to do. The room is scantly furnished and what furniture there is looks miniature, there is a small dark brown table that reminds me of an interrogation table you see in the movies only smaller. On the east side of the table is a lilliputian dingy green and beige chenille fabric chair, directly across from it is a lighter brown wooden chair with two pieces of paper and a stop watch laying on the seat. Near the wall closes to the door stood a empty corner plant stand except isn't in the corner and like everything else in the room it's extremely small, next to it was another small wooden desk chair.

I tried to figure out where the doctor would want me to sit, where exactly would a totally sane and rational person sit. I decided to sit in the chenille fabric chair, It was the biggest chair and the only one with the slightest bit of cushion and even that was minimal. My senses were alert, I wanted to make sure this man with the shabby "little" office didn't get in my head. I had nothing to fear!

He comes into the room and sits across from me. He introduce himself and asked me did I know why I was there. I told him as a matter of fact I didn't since there is absolutely nothing wrong with my mind. He went on and explained that Social Security sent me. I told him I was very much aware of that fact..what I didn't understand is WHY. He said he didn't know but he had some test he wanted me to participate in that would take 30 to 45 minutes. I said okay but I'm not crazy(told him since there was no patients in the waiting room to tell).

He asked me to remember these four things, 1) a table 2) a chair 3) a tree 4) a elephant. Then he asked who's the president, what day of week is it, how many weeks in a year, who's Martin Luther King, and name three presidents since I've been born, then he said four numbers and asked me to repeat them, then six, he asked me to count by threes he stopped me at thirty. He asked me to repeat the four things he first gave me. Apparently I pasted the mind examine with flying colors because after that simple test was over he told me there's nothing wrong with my mind. I wanted to ask him, "How in the hell would you know?" You can go to any house for the criminally insane and get the same if not similar answers( but I held my peace). What kind of little furniture possessing quack are you?" So I decided to give him a mind exam, I asked him what he thought of manage care--Obama healthcare reform? he gave some generic answers, I wasn't the least bit impressed. I knew by his answers he was absolutely clueless, or he was defending the government since they were the only business he had.

He asked me have I ever been to a psychologist before. I told yes I have. I have been to four of them. It started in kindergarten. I was extremely shy and never really spoke beyond a whisper. One day I was called out of class by one of the school office staff. I walked quietly behind her listening to the sound of her foot steps, all the while nervous and wondering why I was the only one called out of the class room. We get to this little office. There was this youngish guy(back then all the teachers looked ancient) in his early twenties. He told me he was the School Psychologist. He showed me ink stains and asked what they looked like, I said butterflies because everything was butterflies to me, even the big black spider I once put in my mothers hand(that didn't go over well). He gave me a bag of potato chips and sent me back to class. I never went back to his office. The second time was another school psychologist this time it was the six grade once again my shyness resembled mental illness. This time I got a place in the big brothers, big sister club. I got a beautiful big sister who took me places like skating, bowling, I never went back to that school psychologist either. The next was after my husband bled to death in my arms, this time I got a diagnosis, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and weekly visits. I would have preferred a bag of chips. I ended the sessions when one day during a session she started crying, my story was too sad for her. People often tell me they don't know how I survived without being crazy. I always tell them it was God and him only. He is and will always be married to the backslider, even the one that makes the biggest mistakes.

Monday, February 7, 2011

The Disturbing Rape Blog

Yesterday I, as I sometimes like to do- went blog browsing. I like to peer into others lives, mind, heart and thought. I sometimes even go on Facebook and look at new posted pictures of random strangers and their families. I laugh when I see a dogs with shiny ribbons around their necks cuddled up next to their new owners. Life is innocent and free, full of promises and small graces wrapped in ribbon laced dreams. Or so I would like to believe. Yesterday that wasn't the case.

I went into this blog of a woman that decided to remain anonymous, her blog was about many years and generations of incest in her family. She started the blog in 2007 and only posted three times. She stated her daughter had (without her help) just been instrumental in sending her abuser to prison. She spoke of the pain and regrets she felt at not protecting or helping her daughter, or having the courage to help herself. She was a prisoner of silence locked behind the walls of the guilt and shame of her own tortured past. I know that prison very well, every dirt stained wall, every bob-wired fence and demon guarded gate. I lived there for many years.

I was raped as a teenager by a cousin of a friend. I survived and overcame only by the grace of God, the blood of the lamb and the words of my testimony. Unlike the anonymous woman I told my story in a book (Sistahfaith) for the world to see. I bled on the pages and opened my infected wounds so that I could heal and to help others to heal. I did it to save my life and the life of rape victims everywhere. I believe God set me free from my prison to be a ray of light to lead others from that same prison; to offer hope and healing.

My heart went out to that anonymous woman and I searched for a way to talk to her a way to reach out to her and offer her a hand of friendship, love and understanding but as hard as I searched she remained anonymous, another faceless static. Then I found on her blog a beacon of light. She had posted a link to a blog which simply said "Incestblog." I thought it was a great that she found a community of support in whom to find understanding and help. I wanted to join and start a forum or discussion. However my experience is somewhat different. I'm not and incest survivor. So I decided to look for a rape blog. I'm an avid google user and think google knows everything ( I can't seem to hide anything from them). So I googled rapeblog. Nothing prepared me for what I found.

The very first thing I saw was in bold large black letters RAPE BLOG. It boasted of video of vicious rapes,"The Ultimate Rape and Forced Sex Portal · Sweetest Most Innocent Teens! BEST PORN FOR YOU," and that was the non x-rated description. I was mortified and appalled by the sick twisted site. How could someone make movies and videos of the demoralizing,degradation of another person, of innocent teens? What has our society succumb to? Where is the shame and conscious of the person or persons responsible for this trash? What happens to a society where women and children our reduced to objects to be viciously brutalized, used for the satisfactions of twisted lust and discarded and left a broken shell of their former selves?

I envisioned some guy in a dirty trash filled apartment with a small head and big serial killer glasses (like the ones worn by Jeffrey Dahmer) going to that blog, watching the videos and doing some disgusting self-gratification until the videos are no longer enough. I see more victimized and crushed souls. I am sickened to the core of my being. I'm trying my best to write this without throwing up. Lord have mercy...Have mercy.

Jesus asked me where I thought he was when I was brutally raped on a musty pee stained mattress sitting on the floor of a dark and dreary apartment. I told him I didn't want to know. We were getting along fine and I didn't want to be mad at him. He insisted and I resisted. Finally he broke through my resistance and told me. He said he was sitting on the edge of that mattress crying. The King of kings was there with me, hurt with me, entering into my suffering. After he told me that the scripture "Jesus Wept," took on a whole new meaning for me. I believe he not only wept for me but also for that young man that was so sin sick that he could commit such a vile act against me. He was probably a victim of pornography.

In a way we are all victims of an evil ploy to destroy us. That website is pure evil in all it's form and it must be stopped. For the sake of the children, the women, the lonely little headed guy in the big glasses, for you, for me, for our society, but mainly for Jesus.

Jesus Wept..


Friday, February 4, 2011

Death to a webcam!

Yes, it's official I'm going to murder my webcam. I'm so annoyed with it right now I can scream. I see myself as the person who could actually assassinate a webcam. Call me crazy if you want but I see no reason whatsoever that this stupid piece of plastic and whatever else it's made of should live if it refuses to do what it's created to do. I bet if I start stomping it, it would actually record that just for the police. Not only is it annoying me but it's trying to witness it's own demise. What a twisted and evil device. I'm going to cover it's with my red socks and completely destroy it (no sinister plot on my part, my red socks just happen to be in eyesight).