Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Pastor

The other day at the restaurant a man came in for a order. I like to talk to people so I usually strike up a conversation with them when they're waiting. He had what looked like a well read book. I asked him the name of the book. He gave me the name of the book but I only caught one word out of the title and that word was "Radical," I said I love anything radical. He asked me if I loved the gospel. Ha! I find that kind of funny. I told him especially the gospel, because that's my life!

Before long(within seconds) I told that man my whole life story without the horrendous details. I told of my love for a God that saw me laying in my filth and sin and had mercy on me. Not only did he have mercy he found favor with me. Like the apostle Paul, I was the chief of sinners. Yet he beckoned me to his kingdom. I spent my whole life being victimized and victimizing anyone that loved me until he came to me. He came to me like he did the apostle Paul in the form of a light and he spoke to me. The light didn't blind me though; I was already blinded by the darkness surrounding me.

I told him I am radical! I did say that the Lord spoke to me and his expression never changed but I could tell he wasn't so sure. He asked me my denomination. I get that question a lot. I don't have a denomination. I see no need to claim a certain teaching that's the only right interpretation of scripture. That seems to much like vanity to me. I decided early on in my walk with Christ that I never want to be a part of separating his body. How effective is a dismembered body. He defeated death to give life. I see only death in a dismembered body. I tell the truth as he gives it to me. That doesn't always go over well. I have been persecuted more times than accepted.

The man never once said anything negative. He was doing his job; speading the gospel. I really enjoyed our conversation even though it was mostly one sided. He is kind and fatherly. I liked him and asked him where he worshiped. He told me the name is Westside Baptist. I told him I enjoy the teaching of the baptist. Though sometimes I might be too radical for them. Sometimes the Holy Spirit just cannot be contained. He likes to cast out demons and speak with new tongues. He's wild and radical like that and way to powerful for me to hold back. A couple of times I told him(Jesus) he embarrassed me and that because he got loose the people were going to stone me like they did Stephen.
On more then one occasion I behaved like Elijah under the juniper tree, whinny and afraid. He was still faithful to me. He taught me what courage really is, it's not in the not fearing it's in doing it afraid.

All and all I loved this kind stranger immensely. He is soft spoken and unpretentious and his main concern is for my soul(probably even more so after I started talking). I got busy taking orders and doing what real cashiers and service people do. The kind stranger walked up to me as he was leaving and handed me a card and said here's my card. I took it and read it and was so shocked to learn he is the pastor. I said you're the pastor? He said "yes."

I don't know about anyone else but I as a rule only talk to the pastor on urgent matters. I always have this feeling that talking to a pastor or any man of cloth leaves me too vulnerable or exposed. I feel I have to watch my language and be on my best behavior. I guess you can call it putting on my church face. I feel the need to dot my I's and cross all of my t's.Several pastor that I have met over the years seem to have a need to correct me or teach me the church linguistic. So I talked to them as little as possible. Not this kind stranger he let me talk on and on and he listened.

He smiled when I gave him a bucked-eyed stare and ask if he was the pastor. I want to visit his church home soon. I would love to hear him speak, since he didn't get much of a chance with me around.


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