Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Love's threshingfloor

There are times in life, when others use words to describe you or some characteristic you possess. Words that uplift, encourage, inspire, some may even offend, however what she called me shocked and left me speechless.

There has been a lot of friction in our office lately; more than usual. Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE (with the exception of myself), has something against someone else. No matter how much I pray, speak peace and play mediator the best that happens is a temporary cease fire. The tension is so thick you can almost see the heavy, gray mist of the fog of bitterness, envy, unforgiveness and feel the cold chill of indifference.

In the midst of these adverse circumstances, I lay on love's threshingfloor. There are seasons of love's planting where love ploughs the fallow ground of your heart and plucks out the tares of selfishness, judgement, hypocrisy and self-righteousness; and sow the seed of mercy, compassion, justice and righteousness. Then there is the season of love's threshingfloor; I'm in that season.

It's not easy laying on love's threshingfloor, but here I lay crying out in agonizing pain, for me; for the women on my job. I feel each heartbreak, rejection, unworthiness, shame, guilt and broken dream-and it hurts!

I watch as they attack, backbite and lie on each other. I watch as they do the same to me. I pray, I mediate and speak peace.
I forgive, hug and love. I'm on loves threshingfloor and it hurts.

A couple of days ago one of my co-workers came to me and said, "We were talking about how you are always forgiving and you never let anything change your disposition, we have decided you're just holy...I was shocked and speechless.

Though I could have come up with an argument to convince her of how mistaken she was. I didn't..
Not because I wanted to wear a mask or disguise and pretend that holy would be a word used to describe me. I didn't deny it because it was too precious to me. Like Mordecai, I was honored to wear the King's apparel, if it was only for a moment. I'm still on love's threshingfloor.


Unknown said...

Yes, my goodness! I have a comment to make about your being Holy! You are, because to paraphrase Forest Gump, "Holy is as Holy does." If you desire to be holy then you have to do as holy people do. Furthermore, the fact that they are "people," just as saints are/were people, indicates that they were subject to fall down as all humans do on a daily basis. However, they were also redeemed by the precious blood of the lamb. They were/are no less holy or saintly because they have and do surcumb to fleshly temptation. So like policemen, judges, doctors, priests, the pope, and indeed people of all professed professions, put on your garment/armour of holiness and wear it proudly because you are a holy child of the King. And I d-double dog dare anyone to speak otherwise!

Anonymous said...
