Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Why I blog

I was blog surfing today. I read many Christian blogs. Most were teaching their understanding of the scriptures, others blog about their family and how the word of God works for them personally. Reading their blogs(I read many) made me question why I blog. I certainly don't try to teach, most of my immediate family live a thousand miles away from me, I spend 80% to 90% of my time alone. Why do I blog? I don't have followers. I wasn't even sure if anyone read any of it until recently. So really why do I blog?

I blog to laugh and cry, to liberate my soul and understand life, to see Jesus as he is. Not in theology but in the reality of my existence. To make him real to others not just a far off God of the scriptures, but as a friend to the friendless a Father to the Fatherless. To see him in all the circumstance of my life. To know his love that knows no bounds and really is endless. Everything I write is the truth. I have come to realize that the truth is not boring it's quite the contrary. It's wild and daring a hero with reckless abandon. The truth rescued me from the dope house and stopped me from self-destructing. He loved that teenage girl that was raped and beaten and left like trash. He refused to let me perish, he loves me. He cleaned the filth of my sins, he removed the pain of the sins that were committed against me. He called me beautiful. He set me free! Thats's why I blog.



Anonymous said...

Amen, sissie. That's why I blog, too. Mostly to be with Jesus.

Anonymous said...

: )