Monday, January 3, 2011

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

One of my friends on facebook made a suggestion for the New year. She said this year we should own our crazy. I said to myself "What a great idea. I suffer from a mild case of OCD. I say mild because that's as much as I want to own. I came up in the church's word of faith era. We speak what we want and ignore the things we have and surely no one would ever own crazy, but here I am looking crazy in her wicked twisted face and saying "I owe you, you're mine."

Owning crazy is extremely liberating. Now when I leave the house and stand outside my door wondering if I left the stove on (even though I haven't cooked in a month) I know it's only my OCD wanting attention.I did lock the doors and the pilot light need not be checked. Or when I go into a shoe store I don't have to have every shoe on sale in my size(the eighty pair I have is enough). OCD you don't need a new pair of shoes, you will not end up barefooted, stop fussing you don't owe me I owe you! And no more scrubbing my toilet three times a day until the bleach burns my eyes. Once will do. My apartment doesn't smell bad so I don't have to buy scented candle, air fresher, febreze, carpet fresh, and plug-ins one or two will do. It's an apartment it's suppose to smell like onions, garlic and greasy food. This year I will owe OCD; it will not owe me.


Anonymous said...

That's right! Show 'em who's boss!

Anonymous said...
