Monday, January 31, 2011

The Psalmist

She sits directly in front of me with her guitar. Her eyes are closed but her heart is open. From the soft strumming of her guitar to the soothing words of her songs she worshiped the King of Glory. She sung the psalms in perfect harmony. Her smile is radiant as she sings about her beloved. In between songs she gives her testimony. He found her in her brokenness and emotional deficiency. I feel a knot form in my throat. I want to cry, not out of sadness but from a heart of love and gratefulness. He found me in brokenness and emotional deficiency too. Her words stir my heart. I want to worship him, so I sing with her. Her voice is soft sweet and in harmony. Mine is loud and off key. He loves her voice; he loves my voice.

She went on to tell the story of growing up feeling as if what she had to say wasn't important; her parents being emotionally unavailable and not listening to her when she wanted to voice her emotions. One year leaving bible camp she ran to tell her Pastor of the wonderful worship in a parking lot. Like her parents he stops her, he tells her he already heard. That incident devastated her; she walked away crushed, no one thought what she had to say was important.

Jesus met her in that hurt and devastation he told her he wants to hear what she has to say no one else can express it like her. She went on to say we all are unique and special to Jesus and equally as important. I heard people say things like that before but I could tell they really didn't believe it. Most thought they were much more important. She was honest and her words pure. I loved her instantly. After the service I ran to her to hug her and blurted that I wanted to write about her. I don't know why I'm so socially awkward and strange sometimes. She just smiled and said something like "that's sweet".

Her name is Kathy Fisher she sings the Psalms in full, the only known artist that actually gets the whole Psalms in her songs. You worship and learn the word at the same time. She's truly an awesome and anointed blood washed daughter of the Most High God. You can email her for one of her CD's at


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